Back in Action
Um ... hello! Oooh! That felt so good to say. I think I'll say it again ...
Um ... hello! I'm back. We're back. The long blog silence is over. Ooh, we've had so much to say over the past three months, but ... um ... we've been kinda busy lately. By "we" I mean Ozzie. The bears have been pretty bored to be honest and would rather have been blogging. Not that we have been doing nothing, but ... um ... we haven't been doing much of anything. But we have so much to tell you!
Ooh, I am so excited to be typing again. I apologize to our loyal readers. We should have let you know the silence was coming. But ... um ... our readership actually rose when we stopped. Yeah, yeah. Our two best months ever were the last two months when we didn't say anything. Um ... I'm not sure what that says. A lot of people were searching for images of baby ducks and came across our blog. Um ... I don't understand it either.
But ... um ... check back soon. We should be back to posting once or twice a week now.
Oooh, it is so good to be back. Baby watching can be so boring.
[Editor: Shhhhh, Wagsy, Harriet might hear you.]
Well, it is boring. I mean I thought watching Ricky was pretty interesting the first week or two, but three months is a bit much.

[Editor: I'm not saying I disagree, but Harriet is pretty attached to Ricky. She doesn't think watching Ricky is boring.]
Um ... I spend all day looking out a window or staring up at the ceiling. I know boring. Watching a baby all day every day is boring. Um ... except when it is scary. Ricky gets really loud and he's very messy. Oooh, we have witnessed some scary fluids on the bed. Luckily no bears were hurt.
But we can tell you about it later because we're back.
The bears are back in town
The bears are back in town
I said
The bears are back in town
The bears are back in town
The bears are back in town
The bears are back in town
The bears are back in town
The bears are back in town
The bears are back in town
Maybe I should pick a more complicated song to sing next time.
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