Monday, January 16, 2006

Bad News for Da Bears

Hi there. Goofball here in the Bend. It was a good weekend for couch sittin'. Lots of football and ice skating to watch. Extreme Home Makeover offered up a dolphin themed bedroom that made my eyes hurt. Wow, what were they thinking? I've never been to the ocean, but I developed a phobia of dolphins just seeing the room on television. Everything in moderation my friends. One pillow is comfy, 100 pillows is suffocating. I didn't get as much cuddling with my girl as I hoped for, but all-in-all I'd say it was a better than average weekend for me.

What can I say? It was a bad weekend for the Bears. Losing at home in the playoffs to an expansion team? Okay, okay, losing at home in the playoffs to a really good expansion team. I expected the offense to struggle. I've got nothing but love for Tom Jones -- "it's not unusual" for TJ to run for 100 -- though he's not the type of guy who can carry an offense. The passing game was brutal in the first half. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised cuz Grossman doubled the number of passes he attempted THIS SEASON. Read that stat again: 39 passes this season, 41 passes in the game. That is crazy. Since the Bears lost, a lot of people have questioned Lovie's decision to sit out Grossman, but I'm not going to fault the man. Grossman is the Faberge Quarterback: good looking, but expensive and fragile. I'm worried about Grossman every time he takes the grocery bags out of the car. Has another quarterback ever made you say, "Gee, I wish he had the durability of Chris Chandler?" I betcha not.

It was the performance of the defense that made me cringe. Steve Smith gained more yards than the entire Bears passing game. Everyone in the stadium knew that Delhomme would be throwing to Steve Smith every play, but the man still caught 12 for 218 and 2 TDs. Bland name, but the man has game. Double teamed, cover 2, didn't matter. The Bears had no answer and now they will be sitting on the couch watching the next round just like me.

The man I really felt sorry for was Tony Dungy. No one should be asked to coach a football team weeks after his son committed suicide. I know he made the choice to coach and I'm sure that he did a good job, but the game just can't seem that important. Maybe I should make the drive down to Indy this week and give Tony a big hug. He seems like he could use the love of a good bear right now.

Past that, not much to report here. I'm still cute and cuddly. The ladies still love me. I suppose the biggest thing to happen to me is that I made Andrew Lawrence's mailbag on I'm glad that he liked my analysis of Eeyore. Actually, Mr. Lawrence implicitly defers to my reasoning in general, which shows that the man has a good head on his shoulders. But I still give the man props for writing the best article on teddy bears and sports ever. ... okay, I'll admit that it is the only article on sports and teddy bears that I have ever found, but I enjoyed reading it and that is more than I can say about most stuff on the web (yeah, yeah, yeah, Peter King likes coffee and Brett Favre -- ever think what PKing might write if Starbucks came out with a Favre flavored latte?). Thanks for the links Andrew, you deserve a bear hug, too.

That's it from the Bend. Still spectating and speculating.


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