Vacation Schedule
Um ... hello. I'm writing to let you know that we bears might not be blogging much over the next four weeks. Ozzie and Harriet are going on vacation. You would think this would give us a lot of free time that we could use for blogging, but it never seems to work out that way. Taking care of Ozzie and Harriet is very time consuming and the bears use vacation to catch up on chores and ... well ... nap.

I can now nap like an old man. I've heard tales of older, distinguished professors who are so revered that they can nap in the middle of talks. At first I thought people respected the professors BECAUSE they could fall sleep sitting up during a talk. Then I heard Ozzie talking about voting behavior and realized that falling asleep was easy -- staying awake was hard. So the right to nap must be a reward for other forms of good service, like being fluffy or friendly. Oooh, I'd definitely say that allowing a person to nap during a talk is an excellent way to show respect.
Um ... but ... what was might point again? Ooh! Yeah, napping like an old professor. You might notice in the picture up above that the bears now are the proud owners of a chair. Ozzie went to a blue grass festival, saw a chair the perfect size for a Wagsy and plopped down the money to buy the chair. I think I might have prefered cable, but it is the thought that counts. And what a sweet thought it is -- he loves me! I sometime doubt it, but look at the heart in the back of the chair. (whisper) Um ... what's that? (whisper, whisper) Ooh. I've just been informed that there were only two types of chairs available: hearts and angels. Ozzie just picked the one that he thought was least tacky. Um ... I guess that is okay. He did buy me the least tacky chair. Yeah, it is still a nice gesture. Um ... what was might point again? (whisper) Ooh, yeah, now that I have a chair, I can fall asleep in it while other people are talking. What a nice way to spend vacation.
We'll miss Harriet very much while she is on vacation. But to be honest, the bears could use a little time all to ourselves. We need to discuss new strategies for maintaining our plumpness and furriness. We need to devise clever schemes to convince Ozzie to buy us cable. And we need to catch up on our sleep. Four weeks is a very long time, though, and we'll be happy when she returns.
In the mean time, I'll sit here with my bunny.

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