Blog Anniversary
Um ... hello! Today is a special day on the blog. Yeah, yeah. Today is the day that the blog is one year old.
Happy birthday to the blog.
Happy birthday to the blog.
Happy birthday dear bl-og.
Happy birthday to the blog.
Exactly 365 days ago, I started things off with ...
Um ... hello. Ozzie is helping me to write a blog. He was inspired by a truly excellent book, Click, Clack, Moo. I think means that he loves me. Ozzie denies it. Pudge bear says it is merely a period of detente. I don't care, a bear has to take love where he can find it nowadays.
So now I can share my thoughts with the world. The only problem is that ... um ... I can't think of anything to say at the moment. That's kinda the problem with having stuffin' for brains. I'll think of something soon.
Stay Tuned.
Wow. Wow. Um ... who knew that we'd think of so many things to say over the year? I guess I didn't say everything. I had a lot of help from my friends. Together we made over 100 posts, which is about two posts a week (Pudgie helped me with the math). Um ... since we hang out in the bed all day, you'd think we'd have more time to post, but our schedule keeps us kinda busy and we're not very fast typists. Really, we struggle to post as often as we do. It's not that we don't like posting. We do, we really do. We're just kinda slow about it.
But ... um ... I had no idea this blog would grow the way it has. To be perfectly honest, we didn't really know what to say at the start. We even linked to a picture of a dog named Wagsy. Um ... I don't usually like to say anything mean, but since I wrote the post I guess it's okay, but that was probably our worst post ever. But we figured it out pretty quickly after that. December 2004 was a good month for posts. We talked about children, snow, Notre Dame football, and free will. Oooh, and then came January. Yeah, yeah, I thought January was an excellent month of posts. But I wouldn't want anyone to think February wasn't a good month. Or March. Or any month. Um ... let's face it, I'm really bad at picking favorites. I really went out on a limb picking a least favorite (but it was a really boring post).
Um ... we've added a lot of stuff to the site as well. We have pictures, so you can see how cute we are. We have a store, so you can wear clothing with our faces on them. Actually, Buffy just designed a new shirt with Goofball on it. I think it looks very cute, but I always think Goofball looks cute. We have an email address, so people can send us mail. Um .... Ozzie has also organized all the posts by author and subject, so you can read your favorite type of posts. We even have a picture puzzle sorta thing on the side that rotates pictures. Oooh, I really like that feature. I can sit and watch it for hours. Everyone just looks so cute.
Um ... most of all, we've had fun and made new friends like Teddy and Spaulding. We're glad that you are reading and hope you enjoy reading half as much as we like writing.